Spyglass Landing


Frequently Asked Questions

Spyglass Landing

Q. Who do I contact if I have a problem?

A. Email or call Arbor Management company.

Q.   What are the options for planting in the "White Pine Area " at the rear of the condo?
A.   Attached please find the Spyglass Landing Optional Landscaping Services Menu.
Please be aware that this is the approved replacement list for use in the former white pine beds to the rear of Units (no board approval needed for these plantings in the former white pine beds) and you may plant them yourselves or engage Tomasi to plant.   

Approved Suggestions

Q.   What is the Town of Marshfield's trash/recycle Schedule?

 A. Check the town's website for details.
 B. Check the Towns calendar

Q.   Can I install a gargabe disposal in my kitchen?

A.   No, due to waste treatment plant constraints garbage disposals are not allowed at Spyglass. 

Q.   What are the Seasonal Decorating Rules?

A.   Notice of Seasonal Decorating for 2010

Q.  Where do I find the Resident Handbook? 

A.    The current handbook is located on the Rules and Regulations page.

Q.   What products should I use?  What is best for the WWTP?

A.   Click here for Anti bacterial  guide.

Q.   What is the most current guide for the WWTP?

A.  Click here for the August 2010 Guide

Q.  Where are the sprinklers located?

A.  Please click here to see the sprinkler locations.

Q. What time do my sprinklers go on?

A.  Please click here to see the time schedule.

Q. When will my garden be weeded?

A. Gardens will be weeded once a week on a rotating schedule of the 4 zones.